السبت، 9 يونيو 2012

Virginia Bus Accident Attorneys

& School Bus Accident Lawyers

School bus, city bus and commercial bus accidents can cause devastating injuries and even death to innocent victims. At first glance, these tragedies appear to have a lot in common but the laws are different depending on the type of bus that caused the accident. As a result, most people need a lawyer to help them handle potential personal injury claims arising out of bus accidents.

The personal injury lawyers at Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen have represented hundreds of bus accident victims over the years. We understand the complex laws and regulations affecting the operation of public and private buses and know how they may affect you and your case. Contact the bus accident lawyers at Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen for a free consultation at 866-388-1307.

Types of Bus Accidents:
Commercial Bus Accidents
City & Public Transit Accidents
School Bus Accidents
Virginia's tangled web of statutes and case law concerning bus accident liability can make it hard to determine what laws apply in a bus accident case. Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen attorneys know the steps you must take to preserve your claim. We can advise you regarding critical notice requirements and deadlines, statutes of limitations, sovereign immunity defenses, and laws applicable to common carriers. Upon acceptance of your case, we will work on a contingent fee basis, which means you pay us for our legal services only if you make a monetary recovery.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a bus accident through no fault of your own, call our bus accident attorneys today for a free consultation at 866-388-1307 or contact us through email to find out if you have a case.

City Buses and Public Transit Systems
Each year, bus passengers, private motor vehicle passengers, and pedestrians are seriously injured or killed in accidents involving buses owned or operated by municipalities and other governmental entities.

When a person is injured through the negligent acts of a bus driver or through the bus owner's failure to properly maintain and repair a public bus, the victim may claim damages against the city, governmental entity and/or its driver. However, special laws and regulations may apply.

To some degree, the doctrine of sovereign immunity will protect governmental entities and their employee bus drivers from personal injury claims. Virginia law restricts the amount of damages an injured person may recover from governmental entities and their bus drivers. Notice requirements and notice filing deadlines require that a claimant act quickly and appropriately to preserve his rights. If you have been seriously injured in an accident involving a public bus, contact the city bus accident attorneys at Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen. Learn your legal rights, your notice responsibilities, and the deadlines you must meet before you can pursue your claim. Click here to view our case results.

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Commercial Buses
Greyhound, Trailways, and other private local or national commercial bus companies carry passengers across our state. These companies, which generally include cab companies but not private charter buses, provide services open to the public upon payment of a designated fare. They are considered common carriers. Specific state and federal statutes and regulations control them.

Unfortunately, commercial buses are frequently involved in accidents in which members of the public are severely injured through a commercial bus driver's negligence or through failure of the bus owner to properly maintain and/or repair its bus and equipment. Under the law, a common carrier and its drivers must exercise the highest degree of care for the safety of its passengers. This care must be reasonably compatible with the conduct of its business in a convenient and satisfactory manner. Common carriers and their drivers are held to a higher standard of care than vehicle operators who do not carry paying passengers. Nevertheless, common carriers are not insurers of their passengers' safety.

The bus accident lawyers at Allen and Allen are familiar with the complicated laws and regulations governing common carriers. They have investigated and handled many commercial bus cases to a successful conclusion. Let us help you. Call our commercial bus accident lawyers today at 866-388-1307.

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