الاثنين، 28 مايو 2012

Serious Car Accident Injury Claims

Car accident victims may suffer many different types of physical injuries, like cuts, bruises, or broken bones. But some car accidents cause other very serious harm, including:
Head Injuries

Motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of head injuries. Brain damage may result when the head strikes the windshield or other object, or when the brain undergoes a sudden acceleration/deceleration movement within the skull (even without direct trauma to the head). The force can cause bruising, bleeding and twisting. Damage may occur during the car accident or could develop later as delicate brain tissues swell and bleed.

The most common type of brain injury is a concussion, which happens when the brain is bruised by striking the inside of the skull. A concussion injury can cause headaches, vomiting, dizziness, and problems with memory, concentration, or reasoning.
Whiplash Injuries

Whiplash is a common injury caused by car accidents, because the force of one vehicle hitting another causes a victim’s head to suddenly snap forward - then back. About 100,000 people suffer from whiplash each year.

Whiplash is initially diagnosed with a simple medical examination. The doctor may use x-rays or other tests to check for fractures of the vertebrae or changes to the normal alignment of the neck.

A whiplash injury can damage the bones, cartilage, ligaments or muscles in the neck and spine, and is often accompanied by a concussion and other physical damage. The pain of whiplash may be short-term, but the neck may remain more vulnerable to further injury.

Sometimes the whiplash reverses the natural curve of the neck, which may unevenly distribute the weight of head and further misalign the vertebrae. This condition can lead to severe headaches, recurring neck and back pain, and arthritic degeneration. About 10% of whiplash injuries lead to a long-term or chronic disability.
Medical Treatment for Car Accident Injuries

Serious head or neck injuries require immediate medical attention. Only a doctor can determine the extent of the damage and your need for further treatment.
Legal Assistance for Car Accident Victims

If you or a loved one suffers from any of these types of injuries as a result of a Michigan car accident, talk with an experienced car accident lawyer immediately. Please submit a simple, free and confidential legal consultation form about your car accident claim now.

Protect your rights. Get the Bernstein Advantage today.

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