الأربعاء، 29 فبراير 2012

My dog bit someone, but was provoked, do I have a defense

Question: If my dog bit someone, is it a valid defense that they provoked my dog?

Answer: Arguing that someone provoked your dog, by trying to attack your dog for instance, may be a valid defense but it will depend heavily on your local laws.

In addition to the applicable laws in your jurisdiction, there are a number of other factors that could come into play, such as where the incident took place (e.g. on your property or in a public area). Notably, some states have "strict liability" rules for dog owners whose pets bite or attack others. Under such rules, an owner is legally responsible if their dog bites someone, regardless of whether the owner is at fault.

If you are facing possible legal consequences arising from a dog bite, you may wish to consult with a local personal injury defense attorney about the applicable laws in your jurisdiction, as well as your specific circumstance

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