الأربعاء، 29 فبراير 2012

an attorney in family court

Question: Am I entitled to a court-appointed attorney in a family court proceeding?
Answer: Although most people have heard about their right to an attorney, many might not realize that this Constitutional right is considered to be limited to circumstances in which a person's liberty is at stake.

However, even though the Federal Constitution does not provide for such a right, states and/or local jurisdictions are free to provide additional protections and services to individuals in a variety of criminal and civil proceedings. For example, in juvenile dependency proceedings involving abused or neglected children, parents facing the loss of their children and/or termination of their parental rights may be entitled to legal assistance if they are unable to afford it on their own.

There may also be a number of legal aid groups available to provide free or low cost legal aid on a variety of legal issues ranging from domestic violence to child support.

The benefits of being represented civil proceedings are probably difficult to overstate. Individuals should not hesitate to contact their state or local bar association, a court in their area, or visit FindLaw's lawyer directory for more information on local attorneys in their area.

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