الأربعاء، 29 فبراير 2012

Legal Reasons to Seek an Annulment

Marriage is essentially a legal contract; it states that one person is obligated to the other in certain ways and that specific legal actions must be taken to end the contract, or relationship. There are two ways to end the contract of marriage: divorce and annulment.
What is annulment? When a person wishes to void the contract of marriage without having the label of divorcee, they generally opt for an annulment of their marriage. In the state of California, the law allows for annulment of marriage for several reasons, including the following:

One party of the marriage was not of legal consenting age, 18, at the time of the marriage or domestic partnership.
A spouse or domestic partner is currently married to another person or in a registered domestic partnership with another person, sometimes referred to as bigamous by the family court.
A prior existing marriage or domestic partnership was still intact. This differs from bigamy in the sense that it is an existing marriage in which the former spouse or domestic partner was absent for at least five years and has been thought to be deceased.
Becoming married at a time when one or both parties were of unsound mind, such as after too many alcoholic beverages.
Fraudulent cases involving a person hiding an important aspect of the marriage may result in an invalidity of the marriage contract and give reason for annulment. This can occur in a case in which a person was unaware that their spouse is unable to have children or that they will be forced to take care of their spouse’s children that they didn’t know about until after the honeymoon.
If a person entered into the marriage or domestic partnership through actions of force, it may be considered invalid.
One party of the marriage was physically incapable of consummating the relationship and the incapacity appears to be incurable.

If you have entered into marriage or a domestic partnership in the state of California and wish to have your marriage annulled, do not wait to speak with a divorce lawyer right away. It is important that you understand your rights in this type of matter, as understanding the correct path to take could be the difference between annulling a legally invalid marriage and being labeled as a divorcee.

In order to annul your marriage or domestic partnership, you must be able to prove that at least one of these is true about your relationship. Your attorney will be able to help you reveal the truth about your relationship and if one of these legal reasons to obtain an annulment is present. Having your marriage annulled does not depend on the amount of time you have been married, and being able to show at least one of these even just days after the marriage can help you get out of this situation. To learn more about your rights during this matter, do not hesitate in contacting a divorce lawyer as soon as possible!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Mansouri Law Offices
The Mansouri Law Offices is a Los Angeles based family law firm that assists clients in all family law, divorce, and annulment related legal matters. They understand that nothing can be more frustrating than feeling stuck in a dismal situation, and they will do everything in their power to make sure that your rights are protected. Whether you were misguided into marriage or your rights have been clearly breached by another person as you seek annulment, this law firm is ready to help you today! Contact a Los Angeles divorce lawyer from their law offices today to schedule you free initial consultation.

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