الأربعاء، 29 فبراير 2012

How Facebook is Affecting Divorces

With the advent of social networking, the world has seen how this type of connection has affected almost every area of their lives. One area that many were not expecting, however, was the way that Facebook and other social media sites are starting to affect divorces.
Facebook and other social media sites are continuing to grow in influence in both the United States and abroad. Interestingly enough, these sites are not just affecting friendships or even jobs – they are also starting to affect marital lives. In fact, according to Forbes.com, a third of all divorces in England cited Facebook as a factor in their divorce – this included using the site to make negative remarks, to flirt with other people and even to sharing intimate details. Interestingly enough, social media has also begun to become prevalent in divorce courts as well and used by divorce lawyers.

In some cases, sites can be used to gain information that can be used against their ex-spouse when attempting to prove infidelity or even when attempting to paint the other party as unfit to parent. In other cases, even harmless pictures of one party taking a vacation could be used by the other side to prove a point regarding their finances – which could affect alimony, child support and other fiscal matters. In fact, according to a study released by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, eight out of every ten divorce attorneys have stated that they have found themselves involved in a divorce in which a social media site (such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter) was involved. In many cases, these sites are used to gain evidence to help bolster an argument as it is often a cheaper alternative to hiring a personal investigator.

For this reason, divorce attorneys are becoming quick to caution their clients against being rash online. Some common advice includes deleting all photos that show themselves in compromising positions or even just partying – this is especially true for clients who find themselves in a custody battle. It is also recommended that parties adjust their privacy settings so that they can’t be tagged by friends in photos without permission. Finally, it is suggested that parties show restraint when online. Venting online can come back around – and unfortunately can become a prevalent issue in court. So it’s wise to never post anything online that one wouldn’t want to be read out loud in court when family law issues are on the line.

If you are currently facing the possibility of divorce or if you have already been served with papers, it is in your best interests to get the involvement of an experienced divorce attorney that you can trust to protect your best interests. With the inclusion of technology into our everyday lives, it is more important than ever to ensure that you have a lawyer on your side who will be able to fully protect your legal rights. No matter whether you have questions about how social media can affect your divorce proceeding or if you have other questions about what you are facing, it is in your best interests to get the involvement of a knowledgeable lawyer from a local firm.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Cantor Law Group
The Cantor Law Group was founded by attorney David Cantor and currently boasts a team that brings over 70 years of combined legal experience to the table. Focusing on family law, the firm stands as of the most trusted practices throughout the state of Arizona. No matter whether you are dealing with a straightforward uncontested divorce, if you are in a custody battle or even if you are dealing with property division, it is in your best interested to consult with a Phoenix family attorney from their firm as soon as possible. The sooner that you get them involved, the sooner that you can begin working to the resolution of your case.

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