السبت، 9 يونيو 2012

Virginia Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers

Few injuries are as devastating and incapacitating as a spinal cord injury (SCI). The medical and rehabilitation costs associated with spinal cord injuries can be staggering. The broken lives such injuries leave behind take a toll on the emotional health of the victim and on family relationships.

The attorneys at Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen understand the economic, medical, physical and psychological impact spinal cord injuries have on their clients and their families. They stand ready to give legal counsel as well as practical advice to clients who are undergoing long and painful recoveries. Call Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen for a free consultation at 866-388-1307 or click to email us.

About Spinal Cord Injuries
Damage to the spinal cord may occur when the cord is compressed or crushed through trauma. Spinal cord injuries are usually classified as "complete" or "incomplete". With a "complete" injury, there is no sensation or voluntary movement below the level or location of the injury. With an "incomplete" injury, some residual function may remain below the level of the lesion. For example, a person may still retain some feeling or limited movement in the affected limbs. A word we frequently associate with spinal cord injury is paralysis. Paraplegics have sustained severe cord injury in the thoracic, lumbar, or sacral segments of the spine; quadriplegics have suffered severe cord injury in the area of the cervical spine.

Because a serious spinal cord injury is so debilitating and its effects so wide ranging, it takes experienced, knowledgeable lawyers, like the attorneys at Allen and Allen, to work with an injured client's physicians and rehabilitation team to fully explore and document the client's many physical and emotional losses. Allen and Allen lawyers know how to develop and present the medical opinions and testimony necessary to prove to a jury or an insurance company the nature of the client's spinal cord injury, the cost of his past and future medical treatment, and the full extent of his permanent disabilities.

We'll Put Together A Winning Team
The spinal cord injury attorneys of Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen often engage special experts to support an spinal cord injury case. Life care planners may prepare life care plans describing the cost of medical services a client will need during his lifetime. The plan may include items like the cost of home health care attendants or assisted living facilities as well as the cost of medical equipment like wheelchairs, hoists, and other aides. Where a client is rendered totally unemployable by his accident or he can work only in a less demanding and lesser paying occupation, a vocational rehabilitation counselor will define his loss of employment opportunities. An economist may be asked to project lost earning capacity or future lost wages over the client's pre-accident work life expectancy. The client's psychologists or psychiatrists may be asked to describe the client's mental condition and explain how his spinal cord injury has affected his family relationships. In a many cases, it may take all of these experts and others to present a full and fair picture of the overwhelming losses sustained as the result of a spinal cord injury.

The spinal injury lawyers at Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen have the experience, the medical knowledge and the courtroom track record required to represent persons who have suffered severe spinal cord injuries in accidents that were not their fault. Contact us at 866-388-1307, and put our experience and knowledge to work for you.

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