السبت، 9 يونيو 2012

George E. Allen Academic Scholarship Program

Through its high school scholarship program, Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen celebrates the life of its founder George E. Allen. A native Virginian from Lunenburg County, George Allen overcame many challenges in his early life. He put himself through college and law school, and he went on to found Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen, one of the premier personal injury law firms in Virginia and in the country. In his honor, the firm awards 15 scholarships each year, in the amount of $1,500 each, to Central Virginia high school seniors who have overcome adversity and who show significant academic promise.

“I was born 20 years after the close of the war between the states, when the South was prostrate. My people had lost practically everything. They had to start life anew. I was left a motherless child. I had to borrow money to educate myself. I commenced the practice of law in debt.”
— George E. Allen, Sr., Founder of Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen

Deadline: March 1
Scholarship candidates must mail a completed application and supporting materials to Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen on or before March 1 of each year.

Scholarship Criteria
The applicant must be a senior in high school, whose plans include advanced education such as college, nursing, business, trade, technical training or other similar program.
The applicant should demonstrate good character and high achievement despite obstacles or special challenges.
The applicant should demonstrate academic progress during his or her four years of high school.
How to Apply
Click here to download the scholarship application
Complete and send application to:
Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen
Scholarship Program
P.O. Box 6855
Richmond, VA 23230
High school transcripts, and/or other applicable test scores which reflect improvement and high achievement should be furnished with the application.
The applicant should be of good character as described by two letters of recommendation. At least one of the letters must be provided by a teacher or guidance counselor.
The application must be completed in full. Incomplete applications and those postmarked after March 1 will not be eligible for consideration.
Questions: Contact Liliana Dawson at (804) 257-7542 or 1-800-768-2222.
“The Allen Law Firm is proud to honor my grandfather’s legacy of service to others by recognizing exceptional high school students who have overcome substantial challenges to achieve academic excellence while, at the same time, setting an example for their peers of perseverance and personal commitment to high standards.”
— Elizabeth M. Allen, Retired Partner

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