Video: Attorney Mark Bernstein explains how to find out if you have a legal claim for a Michigan motorcycle accident injury
Question: I did not carry insurance on my motorcycle. If I am injured in a Michigan motorcycle accident, can I still sue the driver who hit me?
Answer: Yes. Michigan motorcycle accident law treats motorcyclists differently than individuals driving their own automobiles without insurance. Thus, an injured Michigan motorcyclist, who did not have insurance on his or her bike, may bring a lawsuit against the careless driver who caused the Michigan motorcycle accident.
Question: What is Uninsured Motorist Coverage?
Answer: Uninsured Motorist Coverage is an insurance coverage option that may allow you to recover damages from your own insurance policy, when an at-fault driver did not have insurance or cannot be identified (i.e. hit and run driver). It is a wise idea to carry uninsured coverage, to protect yourself in case you become a Michigan motorcycle accident injury victim.
Question: Is there a difference between uninsured motorist coverage and underinsured motorist coverage?
Answer: Yes. Underinsured coverage provides an additional means of collecting damages, if you are seriously injured in a Michigan motorcycle accident. It is different from uninsured coverage, which is available to a Michigan motorcycle accident victim, when there was no identifiable insurance on an at-fault vehicle.
For example, if you carried a policy of $100,000 underinsured coverage and the at-fault driver had a $20,000 liability insurance policy, you could seek up to $80,000 in additional damages from your own insurance company. This applies only after your attorney secures a tender offer of the underlying policy of insurance.
As you can see, these Michigan motorcycle accident claims are complicated and must be handled carefully. An uninsured endorsement on a policy does not necessarily include an underinsured endorsement. Premature acceptance of an underlying policy in full settlement of a Michigan motorcycle accident claim could deprive you of the right to collect uninsured coverage.
Question: The driver who caused the Michigan motorcycle accident did not have insurance. I did not carry uninsured motorist coverage on my motorcycle, but have it in my car insurance policy. Can I make a claim through my automobile insurance?
Answer: Maybe. Your eligibility for uninsured coverage may depend on the specific wording of your auto insurance policy. You should contact an experienced Michigan motorcycle accident lawyer for help determining what your insurance policy covers.
If you or a loved one was seriously injured in a Michigan motorcycle accident, talk with an experienced Michigan motorcycle accident lawyer. Please submit a simple, free, and confidential legal consultation form about your Michigan motorcycle accident claim now.
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