الأربعاء، 29 فبراير 2012

Looking to Clear Your Criminal Record?

ast? If you have been accused and convicted of a criminal

offense, your ability to secure work, housing, public benefits and financial aid in the future may be significantly impacted. The state of Washington has enacted laws that created a process for individuals who have a criminal record to clear misdemeanors, gross misdemeanors and felonies from their criminal record.
There are very limited circumstances that allow an individual to completely clear their criminal record and destroy all information about previous charges. Under Washington law, a court will consider how many and what kind of crimes you have been accused of committing, in addition to the result of each of your charges. For example, you are more likely to succeed with clearing your criminal record if you had a deferred prosecution as opposed to a conviction. The court will also take into consideration how long it has been since you were charged or convicted with a criminal offense.

Depending on the crime that you are trying to remove from your record, there may be other limitations as well. The only sure-fire way to know if you will be successful in clearing your criminal record is by consulting with an experienced criminal defense attorney. A legal expert can help you determine whether or not you can vacate your criminal record, and can explain the limitations that apply to your specific charges as well. After you determine the likeliness of clearing your charges, you need to apply to the right court or law enforcement agency.

First, check with the Washington State Patrol Identification and Criminal History Section for the record on where your arrests, detentions, charges or convictions took place within the state. You are legally entitled to inspect the criminal history and record information that they have on file. A lawyer can help you determine the jurisdiction where the crime happened in the state and also identify all of the agencies that have records on you. For example, if you were accused and convicted of a crime in Seattle, the local police agencies are required by law to forward your arrest cards and information to the Washington State Patrol. Your record may be on file with both state and local agencies as well as any courts that you appeared at.

Once you determine all of the places where your information or records are, a Seattle defense attorney can help you correct or delete your criminal records. In some cases, certain requests can only be made once in a lifetime so it is vitally important that all of the legal guidelines are in place before you begin the process of vacating your criminal conviction. Ultimately, the best way to achieve a positive outcome in clearing your record is by enlisting the help of a knowledgeable Seattle criminal defense lawyer who can represent you in court and help you through the complex paperwork and legal restrictions.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Baker, Lewis, Schwisow & Laws, PLLC
The criminal justice system can be harsh and unforgiving. At Baker, Lewis, Schwisow & Laws, PLLC, we are aggressive advocates for individuals who have been subjected to this harsh system after facing criminal charges. A Seattle defense attorney from our firm will provide vigorous legal defense against any type of criminal charges in order to obtain a positive outcome for your case. We realize the amount of stress that is involved with criminal charges, and we never underestimate the serious nature of your case. When you contact a Seattle defense lawyer at our firm, we will immediately begin working to compile evidence and build a strong defense case. No matter how minor or severe your charges may seem, we have the expertise and experience to provide you with high-quality legal representation.

Copyright Guadagno & O'Sullivan, LLC
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Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, it is not intended to provide legal advice as individual situations will differ and should be discussed with an expert and/or lawyer. For specific technical or legal advice on the information provided and related topics, please contact the author.

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